It’s Time We Discussed HONK! ( I Don’t Just Mean As In Honking Boobies!)

Hello Beautiful people! I have the pleasure and privilege of joining the wonderful Team Honk in a sponsored climb of Snowden ( yes as in the mountain, and before you ask my boyfriend will be on hand to provide medical care 5 minutes into my climb)



Please make us look very busy and important ( and more importantly give a little to those in dire need who live around us and in the third world. Me and the boy will ♥ you long time if you do and yes, if we hit our target I will post pictures of me crying/passing out/eating all the minty energy biscuits before we have even left! sponsor us here –


I appreciate your support and look forward to blogging about my adventures!….I also get to fulfil a little blogging dream of mine, I get to meet some of my beloved UK Mummy and Daddy bloggers…SO FOOKING EXCITED ( I’d have to be to be willing to do exercise!)

Hope you’ve had a great weekend BBz and shall be posting my new interviews and London adventures soon..on another note I will be in London March 3rd-5th does anyone have any advice on any people or companies willing to meet with me about helping get promotion and funding for my charity? Can’t give too much details away but very, very exciting time ahead. All advice welcomed  <3


Love love <3