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Hello Darlings,

I hope your weekends are getting off to a good start? Mine had a wonderful start to the weekend, I was mewed awake. I have recently become the proud carer of a kitten. I am in love, and have completely become a cat woman.

Less this.

more this.

I now have an affinity with the woman I see on the walk to work every morning, standing outside her flat, wearing a grey dressing gown taking her cats for a walk. When you look at the little face below though, can you blame me for my sudden crazy turn? She is a complete menace, which makes me love her even more. We are discussing her name. As my partner is on tour, getting time to properly discuss such an important matter is hard. I rather like “pudding” though.

Say hello.

In other news, I went to the National Wedding Show on Friday with work. It was really good, as a bit of a craft fan it was lovely to get to perve on wedding stationery until my hearts content. There were some fab things  on show such as the singing waiters ( amazeballs) and string quartets.

As we are near October I am now consumed with the thoughts of Halloween costumes because, as we all know, I take dressing up very seriously. 

So I’m searching the internet looking for inspiration (which I will soon be sharing, you lucky things) Are any of you doing Halloween this year? I’d love to see any outfit creations!

I am getting to really revel in the Halloween festivities as I am performing marketing for where I work, so I really get to ham it up. I remember when I was in high school I used to go my friends house where her mum would completely kit out the house in Halloweens decor. “Now this is how I am going to do it” I used to think to myself, so my children had better bloody like spooky things.

My fave Halloween creation was “Amy Winehouse”. She was still around then, so it was done in celebration and fandom.I had to wear a huge beehive wig. I loved it. Amy and I both appreciated the eye flick, so the make up wasn’t too much effort. I even wore fake tattoos in all of the same places.

Trying to get out of the outfit drunk wasn’t as much though.

Anyhow, I’m ofski to play with the kitten. I promise I won’t make this blog become a cat shrine and will let you know the final decision on the name soon. Have a great Saturday Bbz.


 Bp x x

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