I only made a muffaduking gif

Hello Darlings!,

 Anyone who has been reading this blog for a while (Mwah! <3) will know that I adore a Gif. Love ’em…Want to marry them and set up a little farmstead with the cats, kinda love them. Therefore, you will understand my absolute delight, my sheer glee, at the thought that I have just made my very own Gif.

This may be one of the greatest moments of my life. I don’t care what you think. It’s on par with the time I had a perfect cup of tea in Sixth form. It was the perfect drinking temperature and it worth the bollocking I got in form when I was late – turns out “having the best cup of tea of your life” isn’t a good enough reason to be late for form, or the fact that it’s held in a room on the fourth floor, pft! I think we both know who was correct in that argument.

Now, excuse my gifs beauty (Anyone else a huge DragRace fan? – We so need to talk about this) ….I am happy to present my Gif. I can’t claim anything ownership of the images or people but I pasted some text over it because I am an artist and this is what creative people do on a Friday evening.


Et Voila!


You’re welcome.

If you want to make your own I recommend going to giphy and using their editor. It’s literally internet magic, or if you’re old enough, rather like a better version of Microsoft “paint”.

Now please, let me know what else you are getting up this weekend. I myself will be making more “Art”. Now fly, fly my pretties and throw digital shade with this beautiful gif:  http://gph.to/2qnY5Hu


History Ahoy! Meme Fest.

Well ding dong!

How are we doing my lovelies? I am very well, indeed! I have just been a busy bee moving into a new job. I hope your lives have been full of excitement? Do tell, I love gossip. Anyway, due to my job change I haven’t been up many adventures (or any that don’t end with a hangover and are so blurred I barely remember a blog posts’ worth, goodtimes.)

What hasn’t been lazy these past few weeks, is our good old friend, the internet. Oh no. So today’s posts is a memes post, because you know how highbrow I am. As I have just eaten the biggest roast dinner ever and am unable to move, I was able to sit down long enough to have a theme for my meme fest – History. Enjoy!

Cool.Cheers. I’ll put it in my bathroom.


Some asses just need to be put on a vase. I am still hoping. #hint


Everything’s just better with lightsabers.


Every.Damn.Time.  I never forget the Cheese And Onion Walkers crisps though. They literally just jump into my basket.


I say this at least thrice a day #relate


Still love this phone. I had to use one the other day as an emergency phone. Spent the whole day playing snake 2. I am not even ashamed.


I’d actually like to hear it. I’d bring a tambourine and we’d jam. Actually, I went to a jam for the first time last week. I got to ring a bell and was shit rubbish at it.


For my minion fan readers <3  I thought you’d like this!


Snazzy hat.


Anyway I am ofski to try and work off this post roast dinner bloat. Pray for me. I can’t stop nibbing on the left over roast potatoes.

Love, love, BP <3 Xx

I finally obtain a computer

Hello My darlings,

I finally have a laptop. It’s not amazing but I have already grown fond of hearing its little hum as it slowly turns obsolete in this fast paced digtial word. Thus far I have managed not to cover it in nail polish art and stickers, but it is only a matter of time.


Design from Nicotinequeen. 

At the minute I am taking some time off from work to write this post and watch “Made In Chelsea” ( yes I am one of those people) as I am leaving my current job next week so just typing up some protocols. It’s only when you have to put everything down do you realise how much you have learnt. Goodtimes huh?

Anyways my lovelies, I do hope that you are well and I will leave you with a few funnies, because this is my blog, that’s why.


I feels ya.

If ever a picture ever summed me up


It’s this! Malaprop people unite.

We all have a tale to tell kid.


Bit of trivia for you, I used to play flute. Toot.


Cheerio BP Xx

Quick Round up!

Hello Darlings!

Apologies I have been AWOL . My laptop,”O’l reliable” has finally succumbed to old age and now I’m forced to save my precious funds on obtaining a new one. For now I am borrowing the Bouys. He’s currently on a mixed hen do and [artying at the Cafe de Paris. Sooooo jealous. It looks amazing. As a former make up artist, I’d enjoy getting lost back stage there too. I bet it’s a treasure trove for those who love to dress up <3

So much has been happening in the world, some drastic (still trying to get over the election) and some less dramatic, Princess Charlotte was born (vom.)  So I am going to keep this post light as there is so much heavy out there to already occupy our minds. Some good news is that the amazeballs Bex from tit-bits released her ah-mazing! blogging for money guide.  Go Bex, so proud. It’s amazing how the blogging world can bring inspiring people into your life. Can’t wait to see what this lady does next.This reminds me, blogger events. Tis the season, which meet ups are you going too?

In my blogging life, I have been on many adventures which I will update you on here. I won’t lie, I have such fat hands that the thought of blogging on my iphone is nigh on impossible, so do keep checking in. I am updating! Just not as often as normal. Some of these treats include a book review of the novella by “GirlnamedBob” which is so, so good. It something different, and the female protagonist literally had me chuckling to myself on the tube. I am also going to be interview singing due Toochi. These are fab ladies and I have known them for a long time, so I’m muchos excited to be getting into their lovely heads and seeing what inspires them .


Anyhow,  I shall shove funny pictures into your face, because, well, this is bunnypudding and that is how I fill my time.

Auw this is so nice <3 I like hot wheels too.

funny pictures

Yarr! Too funny. I want this cat. I want to brush it and stroke it’s belly. I am not ashamed to admit that fact #ineedtogetoutmore


We’re all guilty of doing it. I am especially guilty of send snap chats and playing text games. It’s what mobile devices were made for if you ask me.

*looks side to side* yeah, of course, this is an actual FACT. 


Too funny, the geek within me giggles, so many of mine and stinglikeabeavans faves  –

Anyhow I am off to go and enjoy the rest of the weekend. Have a great start to the week, and tell the Monday blues to fuck off darling! Mwah!

Love Love, BP Xx

Hello Monday, wasp is up with you?!


I was all snuggly in bed when I was suddenly brought out of my semi doze by the familiar and dreaded sound of buzzing. I awoke and saw a flying dot drive straight for my lamp. “Please, for the love of all things natural be a blue bottle” I thought. But I knew deep down what that noise belonged too. A bloody fat wasp that’s what.

Thinking fast, I ran out of my room to obtain a can of dry shampoo that I had left in the living room. Now call peta if you want, but this bugger was either leaving the way it came, or dying in a haze of tropical aroma. To put it bluntly, I would save anything else living but I fooking hate wasps. The cocky bastards. They are always ruining days in the beer garden, when you can’t eat a bag of scampi fries with out one of the bastards floating about, looking for a opportunity to fuck me off, and there was that time which I dread to recall –

True story.

It’s still out there somewhere. Even worse, it ate peri peri chicken and didn’t even show once that it felt the heat. Hard as nails. The hulk of the insect world. 

So with this prior knowledge, I brought up all of my strength and just ran into my room, using the door as a shield and sprayed in the direction of the humming. After a few minutes I heard a plop and a frazzle. Then nothing.

I waited.

And then I waited some more.


“Phrew” I thought, tripidly walking over to where the great wasp warrior had fallen. On my lamp’s energy saving light bulb.

I almost felt bad until two seconds later I heard a bloody buzz again, looking up to see another of the bastards had come through the window.

“Damn you summer evenings!” I cried and ran forth to protect my territory. Can of dry shampoo in hand and rage in my belly, It took a few minutes but it felt like a life time, as previously mentioned, wasps are hard nuts. Eventually it gave up and so, here I am writing about my great wasp war with my windows closed, getting hot and flustered and unable to sleep. 

I really, really hate wasps.

Meme me up!

Hi di hi Peeps,

It’s been a bit of a bittersweet weekend for moi, as the boy has left London to go back on tour ( boo!) In times like this I recommend good friends ( thanks kazbo) wine, and of course Memes. I won’t lie, I am feeling pretty glum, but it’s nothing that I didn’t expect to feel from day dot. It’s just never easy to deal with, even when you do prepare yourself.

Any how, chin up and carry on. There is worse shiz in the world than me not getting to see the see the boy everyday, and the fact is, I got to see him everyday for 6 months. That is more that most Army wags get ( and yes, I hate using the phase Army WAGS, if you can come up with something better, dammit I’ll take it!)

Anyway, after a few hours pillaging the internet, here is my most recent selection of internet merriment –

To be fair, I prefer the miley, twerk it!


( before you cry anti feminist, I’ve discussed her before here) Will that blog be coming back you cry!..yes, but in due course BBz

This is what my dream car is made of. *still* one of my favourite songs ever, and with a great message – trust those who like big butts, for they cannot lie. Don’t say I never teach you anything.


You had one job Mike, one job.




I like big ducks and I cannot lie.


Oh Stephen, you’re such a G.


We’ve all been there.


*wipes tear* now this is true art. I am actually proud to be British when I see this.


Going by the typo ratio of this blog, it’s pretty obvious that I have trouble without autocorrect , so I never stood a chance.


But MOOOOOOMMM!No idea why I found this funny, but everytime I literally pee a little.


Let it never be said that I am not hydrated.


When you put it like this, yeah, let’s get fat!


Meme + Anne = happy moi!


It is Monday after all.


If we can’t laugh at ourselves..

Actually, yeah with some salad and nice sauce. Thanks

Major shout out to dumpaday , a site that never fails to bring me humorous picture joy.

Have a great Monday Lovelies, and remember, today is a whole week until another Monday...hu-bloody-rah!

Love,love Ms Pudding Xx