Meme me up!

Hi di hi Peeps,

It’s been a bit of a bittersweet weekend for moi, as the boy has left London to go back on tour ( boo!) In times like this I recommend good friends ( thanks kazbo) wine, and of course Memes. I won’t lie, I am feeling pretty glum, but it’s nothing that I didn’t expect to feel from day dot. It’s just never easy to deal with, even when you do prepare yourself.

Any how, chin up and carry on. There is worse shiz in the world than me not getting to see the see the boy everyday, and the fact is, I got to see him everyday for 6 months. That is more that most Army wags get ( and yes, I hate using the phase Army WAGS, if you can come up with something better, dammit I’ll take it!)

Anyway, after a few hours pillaging the internet, here is my most recent selection of internet merriment –

To be fair, I prefer the miley, twerk it!


( before you cry anti feminist, I’ve discussed her before here) Will that blog be coming back you cry!..yes, but in due course BBz

This is what my dream car is made of. *still* one of my favourite songs ever, and with a great message – trust those who like big butts, for they cannot lie. Don’t say I never teach you anything.


You had one job Mike, one job.




I like big ducks and I cannot lie.


Oh Stephen, you’re such a G.


We’ve all been there.


*wipes tear* now this is true art. I am actually proud to be British when I see this.


Going by the typo ratio of this blog, it’s pretty obvious that I have trouble without autocorrect , so I never stood a chance.


But MOOOOOOMMM!No idea why I found this funny, but everytime I literally pee a little.


Let it never be said that I am not hydrated.


When you put it like this, yeah, let’s get fat!


Meme + Anne = happy moi!


It is Monday after all.


If we can’t laugh at ourselves..

Actually, yeah with some salad and nice sauce. Thanks

Major shout out to dumpaday , a site that never fails to bring me humorous picture joy.

Have a great Monday Lovelies, and remember, today is a whole week until another!

Love,love Ms Pudding Xx

#lovelove Thiller Cat

I am actually crying at this. Literally, tears streaming.

Seriously, we may have a found a new Chris Kamara for joy inducement. I have had this on a loop for the past twenty minutes. Amazeballs. The boy has actually had to calm me down thrice, THRICE! 


Speaking of Chris (hi chris) he stopped a street robber the other day, as you know, he’s a true G. 

View image on Twitter

Oh Chris <3 

Oh thriller cat <3 

Love,love BP Xx 

Feminist weekly round up <3

Tis the weekend Peeps, and I hope that you have something exciting planned. Me? I’ve had pizza in bed for breakfast and may leave this house later to attend one more public. Nothing more exciting, as the boy goes back to his new posting on Monday…booo! but still, I’m #rocknroll baby!

So rather than bombard this blog with a zillion feminist posts a week I thought I’d condense it down into one bite size weekly post, because you know, not everyone gives a shit and that is fine. If you’re just here for the meme’s, I’ll keep em’ coming.

Please feel free to send me anything interesting that you think I would like or,  just post it on the facebook group found here

First up, the ever wonderful Laura Bates with this great article about “can you have a feminist wedding ?”

feminist bride laura bates

I’d love to hear thoughts on this one as I am often asked my views on marriage, but that is a completely different blog post ( great avoiding of the whole marriage issue there BP, keep it up! ) I’ll also throw in this article from the guardian about men wanking not being that uncommon in public ( I can confirm, it isn’t) Connect more with Ms bates on her everyday sexism project.

Females and science is the topic of the day this Sunday in Southbank ( 29th June) 12 – 3pm. If these ladies are the first people you think of when you hear the phrase “female scientists” –

There is an interesting article over on bitch media about these loveable big bang theory ladies.

Btch flcks did a great article on one of my favorite tv shows from my formative years, “Hey!Arnold”  about how bold it was without being preachy on inner city life.

Social commentary about women’s magazines

This has been featured literally everywhere, but a very interesting experiment regrading being “global beautyand international photoshop “skillz” ( term used lightly) was released this week

Woman Photoshops Her Headshot To Portray The Standard Of Beauty In 25 Different Countries (Photos)

The new statesman featured an interesting article on sex positive feminism and my, wasn’t it thought provoking!

#freethenipple got some more back up in the form of this fantastic bikini top…WANT!

tata top 1

This advert moved me in ways I didn’t think marketing could –

Still contrived though ( I work in marketing, trust me I’d know)  but hey, if it works for feminism, why complain?

I’ll end this weekly round up of interesting reads with this great video one of the boys posted on his facebook feed the otherday. Won’t lie, loved it!

You rant lady, you rant your heart out! –

Become her friend here.

Look Bbz I get it myself, feminism is bloody confusing and can feel like a minefield. I really, really hear you. I get sniffed at by other so called feminists all the time but what I know is just read, think and decide where you stand before you start to worry about all the other opinions out there and just try to be helpful..and not preachy. No body likes a soap box hog.

Until next week BBz <3

Love,love, Bunnypudding X x

Funny Festival Fashionista’s

I won’t lie to you BB’z, 

If any of you are off to Glastonbury this week I am so jealous I could vomit, but this little ditty below actually made me belly laugh. BELLY LAUGH AND MY CHIN WOBBLEH! 



But please, DON’T be one of those people. Pretty please, BP loves you lot’s. Like Loads. By all means get dressed up and have fashion fun but firstly- Eat, drink, drink, get muddy,drink, and enjoy the music. Festivals are about more than cut off’s and the bloody boho look ( trust me, only sienna can pull off that shiz properly)  No one who is actually at a festival for the right reasons gives a fuck about what you look like. IT’S CAMPING IN A FOOKING FIELD FOR A WEEKEND. So stop being self absorbed and go absorb some damn fine tunes and funtimes! 

Yeah, yeah, yeah! 

Muchos love <3 

Ms Pudding Xx 

Hi di hi!

Well hello there campers!

I know, I have been on a bit of a hiatus, awfully sorry you all had to go so long without me. I’m back now, and with plenty of fun stuff planned. No really, lot’s of exciting treats and adventures in store. Not just me doing this –

Won’t lie though, there will be a bit ( a lot) of that, it is me after all.

So why the gap between posts? Oh many, many reasons, but to keep it brief – to replenish my love of blogging I needed to take a step back and get my house in order, literally… oh the joys of relocating to London and moving house TWICE in one year, eurgh.…and of course, I needed to spend some QT with the old vino, lasagne ( best hangover cure ever) –

And transforming from a blackhead to a red head. Oh baby, it rocks. I have also been going to plenty of hen parties (people, stop growing up ok? I fully intend on being sprog free and un married for the foreseeable and before anyone calls me a grouch it aint because I am embittered..much. I’m just lazy,so very , very lazy. Oh, and selfish, so very , very selfish) –

Not the best pictures in the world but they pretty much sum where we’re at right now. So what’s the news in the of BP? Well, I have now moved to north London, near Camden no less. Which before you ask, is mainly down to the fact that when I have guests all they want to do is visit the bloody place and not because I have become a trendy ( What are you saying? I’ve always been trendy..what do you mean that by saying “trendy” I only confirm that I am not?!)

I’ve also found out that I am becoming an aunt…hurrah! The pressures off peeps, now the parentals can’t have the “settling down” spotlight on me for at least 2 years

*celebratory dance*

I have also married one of my best friends off. I was *this close* to doing a “The Graduate” and dragging her to the bar mid ceremony for one last vino but you know, I am trying to be less dramatic these days *ahem* Either way, no matter what her fella thinks of me, he’s a very lucky guy and makes her very happy ( Ms.Pudding approves)

I also got to travel to Italy for said Nuptials during Florence fashion week ( you know me dah-lings! fashion, it follows me) and I also got to spent some QT with another of the besties..but that is another post, expect selfies, Pisa and leaning towers to be forthcoming.

Anyway…as it’s mid evening I am now going to go and stare aimlessly in my fridge, find nothing in there and wonder back to my sofa because you know, I am cool like that.

Have a great night BB’s <3