History Ahoy! LFW Ahoy!

Hi BBz,

Apologies for the delay in your historical fashion fix. It’s been a busy week but I have made sure to get some extra lovely historical fashion goodies for you. So you see, I do care.

This week we are going to dip our toes into historical fashion influences in pop culture, which if we are honest, are never really that authentic. Reign anyone?!

reign it just screams 1600's on acid

reign it just screams 1600’s on acid

I haven’t properly watched this series yet, so I can’t really comment but we can’t be too hard on it. The fact is almost all historical dramas are tweaked so that modern day audiences wont be put off. For example Cleavages, they are always high, pushed together and bulging, which is in fact a 21th Century preference and not like the cleavage preference of the regency era where they liked high boobage but separated. You could see between ze boobies. Not like the lovely Lizzies cleavage we have come to expect in Pride and Prejudice-

True story.

Less this –


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More This – 


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Boobs pointing in different directions


I am a huge fan of Disney, and I try and get it into as many posts as I can ( see previous History Ahoy! posts ) So I am LOVING this video about “Historically Correct Disney Princesses” from Buzzfeed. Ah, Buzzfeed, the internet crack of the millennial age. I really love these history fashion flashback videos, what are you thoughts?

It’s strange to ponder what the princesses fates would have been, if put into the real life historical constraints of their times. Yikes. I love history but when I am asked if I would ever want to go back, my response is always the same – if I had to, I’d have to be rich and male. Otherwise, no. I like modern medicine too much. And I have a big mouth. I would have ended up like this after about an hour. I can help myself-

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Gotta love a scolds bridle.


It’s London Fashion Week, and the city is a buzz with fashionista’s tittering in their heels, looking for their next fashion fix. To my gleeful delight recent historical inspired media has seeped into the fashion catwalks, and below are some of the wonderful examples of fashion meeting history. Be prepared to have major wardrobe envy though.

A crown and a cape. Yes! Not that the cape was ever out of fashion, my good friend at writersblockandbrokenlenses rocks her regularly in fact. Viva le cape!


Frockflicks has a great article on the historical influence on modern fashion that you should check out!

I don’t think this is a new thing either  as all fashion is inspired by previous fashions, but I think the periods that are getting the most replication at present are the more flamboyantl historical periods. This makes me very happy! Pass me my powdered wig. (Washed of course..)

This dress by Dior is a beautiful homage the wide skirts of the 1700’s. Still lovely and it doesn’t lose it’s traditional cut in translation either.

Do you have to keep your hand in your pockets for the whole day that you wear it though? Hmmmm…


I notice that the model’s above and below are wearing a crown. Which means I am now allowed to go out in public wearing a crown ( like that would stop me, but it being socially acceptable may influence the size of the crown that I wear )

I still hold a grudge against my boyfriend because he took me to the Towers Of London for my birthday and promised me a crown. I never got it. Still waiting *side eyes boyfriend*

The Byzantian style of this tunic below is just breath taking and it looks so luxurious. I can completely see it being worn casually and dressed up.


*throws self on bed and cries* #firstworldproblems


All three dresses below actually make me want to purr like a kitten, so beautiful. The craftsmanship as well..pass my smelling salts. I am loving that Baroque is rocking the catwalk right now. *fist pumps* 


Gotta show some love for this Dior make up image and it’s hark back to the crazy hair styles of the 1700’s. I bet this style smells much nicer though. Wigs in the 1700’s could have things living long term in there.They didn’t like to wash much. In their minds, there was nothing a spritz of Perfume couldn’t hide away! Niiiiice. I still know some people like this.


A nice full skirt. I love how this skirt moves as well. Le sigh. Also, added bonus of long skirts means having to shave legs, less. Whoot!

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I adore the back of this wedding gown. It’s beautiful. It’s one of those timeless styles, as it would be a lovely dress to wear in any age. WANT.

I want it so bad that if I had the money, I’d literally buy it and then proceed to just sit, watch tv and eat pizza in it like Monica and Rachael from friends just so I could wear it all the time.


Last but by no means least – You’ve got to love John Paul Gaultier, I certainly do. He’s so cheeky and so, well, French. I am a bit of a Francophile and my partner is part French, so it’s rather convenient. He likes to feature a sprinkle of historical reflection in a lot of his designs ( John, not my boyfriend )…Anyone who can make underwear, outerwear and make wearing a corset cool again is more than ok ( like is ever wasn’t?) He’s fine by me.

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Dress Of the Week – 

This weeks dress of the week comes with an amazing story. How fabulous! –


Isabell Fraser’s Wedding Dress, circa 1785, wool, Scotland, used continuously by a single family since it was made in 1785, last worn in 2005, Inverness Museums & Art Gallery.

Anyway, I am ofski to sort out my own own wardrobe,which is a huge task, as I have a habit of getting emotionally attached to my clothes. It’s going to be an emotional one, so I have wine at the ready. I am also planning a get together for London Fashion Week, so if you fancy meeting up, more details can be found on my post here. Hope to see you there!

Have a good weekend lovelies!

Love, love Bp x X

Historical Fashion Porn

Hello Darlings!

Oh it’s been a good week for historical fashion porn in my social feeds, probably to do with a few of you emailing me some fab sites. Thank you so much! I love getting sent new tip offs, and I certainly liked these two sites that were sent to me via my facebook page –




the fashion historian

coiffure 1

( If I could wear my hair like this, I would! )

If you’ve ever wondered how that hair style was achieved  –


( picture from – The Fly On The Wall HistoryFans )

And now you know. You’re welcome.

All’s well with Cromwell

WolfHall rocked my socks this week! Have any of you watched it? A few scamps were being extra critical of it in the media and on my social feeds. The latter sadly meant that I may have accidentally upset a family member with a rebellious defense of it’s honor in a drunken 3am status.  I critiqued the nay sayers and completely forgot ma famille had been disappointed with it in a status the week before! EEk, shot completely misfired on that one, damn you Daily Mail!

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Cromwell didn’t get away with his silent fart much to his dismay.

I still think Wolfhall is great but understand that the darkness, slow pace and odd timing may be annoying at times, but it’s meant to be one persons story. It’s not a fly on the wall narrative. I am an Anne Boleyn fan, but I am not up in arms because of how she is charaterised in the show, Cromwell doesn’t really know her personally yet and so, this is how she comes across to him from the experience he’s has with her. Remember, we know the history, they are the history.

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On that note, I’d love to make history, for good things of course!

Anyhow, it comes to the dress of the week with a few more dresses thrown in because, well, any excuse!

I love a bit of faux fur and I also adore this new find in the blogosphere, weddings and history *girlish squeal* so this weeks dress of the week pleases me muchos!

dress of the month december, historical-costumes.eu

Back view –

Dress of the month december2

Just stunning! imagine getting married in that? DING DONG!

We are going with a medieval theme today, so enjoy!

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I love the colours in this dress, soooo pretty <3


You don’t have to be a high born noble lady to rock the medieval style, loving this middling style outfit –


Love the authentic head piece in this picture, I used to dream about having a princess hat when I was younger!


His and hers –


If there is a time period that you want me to research and share with you, please let me know. Also keep sending me things, I really appreciate it. I don’t find it creepy at all, haha. I have a twitter and facebook page, so feel free to add me. My pinterest has more regular history porn if you need a more frequent hit.

Speak soon my lovelies!

Love, love BP XX