Bunnypudding does exercise for charity

Hello BBz,

So I have decided that this year I will try to do more charitable things. I found that I had become someone who allowed myself to let “life get in the way” so often that I hadn’t actually done as much positive endeavours in my recent “life” as one would feel necessary. Unsure where to begin I started with the most instant thing I could think of – Sponsoring a little girl via https://plan-uk.org/sponsor-a-child


For £20 a month I get to sponsor a little girl called Anma and support her access to heath care and education. It literally took me 10 minutes to sign up and to be honest, I’d almost forgotten I’d done it when I received my welcome pack with a picture of her and information about her life. It was a very odd feeling and I highly recommend doing it if you have a few spare pounds. I received my first letter from her charity worker this week and I am looking forward to sending one back. A very happy letter correspondence indeed….oh there is a History, Ahoy! in that subject I think!

I’ve also made the mistake (big mistake, huge) of being overly confident and agreeing to suffer immensely take part in the Shelter Vertical Rush challenge on 9th March. This is also the day before my Birthday so I am hoping that rather than Birthday presents, I get a few sponsors to compensate for the fact that I am dreading it.


I am certainly going to have to start fundraising as its 4 weeks away, so any creative fundraising ideas are welcomed. I am willing to try anything once! Living in London you really do see homeless first hand and I walk post people sleeping on the street in Central London in tents every day. It breaks my heart that there are still situation like this in the country, but every little helps as you can see below. I just need to get myself down to the gym to exercise, otherwise I can imagine myself being carried up by the rest of my team (sorry in advance peeps!) 16426106_1074813472664199_4473458262739919456_n

Have any of you done anything charity related of late? If so I want to know, especially how you managed to keep going when it training….I am so weak when it comes to going to gym, Sob!

Love, love, always

Bp Xx

Tuesday News…*tumbleweed* Pass Me The Wine, stat!

As a dyslexic who blogs and writes for a living,  I can completely relate to this little ditty-

Exciting times ahead peeps, I am currently working on my new blogs and I even branched out into entertainment  (a secret passion of mine) Ch- ch-check out the results here – bunnypuddingblogsthebiz

Having Major spacing issues with wordpress at the minute ( why!?!!!!) So my interviews are suffering, they will be with you asap but may or may not be reallycloselyspacedtogether.

Is it the weekend yet? Seriously having a case of wine ‘o’ bloomin clock from like, 10am every morning at present  ( bloggers please get your shit together and post my articles, no one understands that it’s like, totally you and not me at present and that is a problem! ) But otherwise even more excitement ahead…Snowden on Saturday with team Honk , sponsor me here   and then London town baby.

Busy little bunny! Muchos love BBz and I hope you’re all keeping well?

<3 BP Xx