I finally obtain a computer

Hello My darlings,

I finally have a laptop. It’s not amazing but I have already grown fond of hearing its little hum as it slowly turns obsolete in this fast paced digtial word. Thus far I have managed not to cover it in nail polish art and stickers, but it is only a matter of time.


Design from Nicotinequeen. 

At the minute I am taking some time off from work to write this post and watch “Made In Chelsea” ( yes I am one of those people) as I am leaving my current job next week so just typing up some protocols. It’s only when you have to put everything down do you realise how much you have learnt. Goodtimes huh?

Anyways my lovelies, I do hope that you are well and I will leave you with a few funnies, because this is my blog, that’s why.


I feels ya.

If ever a picture ever summed me up


It’s this! Malaprop people unite.

We all have a tale to tell kid.


Bit of trivia for you, I used to play flute. Toot.


Cheerio BP Xx