Maltese Make-up Maddness

Tis Monday, eurgh, well at least it’s a whole week until another Monday!

Continuing with the theme of  documenting my old work on my blog I thought I would post a few playful photos taken in between shoots in Malta, where I modelled for Tragique. Ladies and gentlemen of the world I never model for anyone other than Tragique, not because I’m ugly or think I am ( I’m hotter than a fox on fire if you ask me on a good day)  but because I the most un-photogenic person in the world. Ever.


In between scenes, I was bored so I decided to discuss politics with the monster under the bed (He didn’t like my liberal attitude much)

If I remember correctly we were at a vintage car show in Valletta here, was a really good night and some good shoots were caught by Tragique.  I drank wine and supervised.

This was taken in the stairwell of our villa where we stayed ( AMAZING place, 5 floors, hundreds of years old…two drunk women, models and a camera…best space to work with ever.)

Not a very good example of my work but it was a test shot to see if the make up was worth using as I didn’t want it to get bleached in the camera lights plus the Maltese sun…alas it didn’t get used as it was blatantly rubbish ( an expensive brand too) . Neither did the photoshoot, where a glamour model wanted me to present her as a cat as she ran around naked in a building site being photographed( honestly that was the actual concept, no one ever said make up artistry is a normal job now did they?)

Playing with the rag doll theme again! This was taken between a shoot at the Villa  ( I will post those pictures later)

Fart – Bunnypudding fan Art 

Tragique made the above, I think I was seeking models at that point?

This above was made my bestie Karen Bevan , yes the Karen Bevan who makes das gudt radio content. As you can see from the image, she really does love and respect me more than anyone. Cheers Kazbo!

Anyway I am off for Monday round Two, ding ding! 

Manchester Dolls Photoshot

Back in my uni days I used to make a little extra money and a few mini advetures by doing make up artistry. Today I was going through a some old snaps and I thought I would share these few photographs with you. They were taken by my good friend Tragique ( whom I went on another Maltese adventure with)  and the models were the loveliest ladies ever , so it was a really chilled out productive shoot.

The Concept is about throw away  fashion. Tragique, whose project it was, wanted to have the models looks really “doll like” so I went for a 90’s Barbie doll ( my favourite Barbie look, they are like teeny tiny drag queens) a china doll and a vintage porcelain doll effect on the models but I didn’t want to go too Victorian in the porcelain styling. Anyway enjoy-

Night night  Xx

Ahoy There Me Mateys, All board The Goodship Nosey!

Hello my Lovlies,

Thus far I have managed to keep most of my resolutions, well to a point..the whole “up an hour early” thing is more” hit snooze a bit and then get up half an hour earlier” thing.

To my credit I am still managing to get out the house early but rather shamefully I keep missing the earlier bus (facepalm) NO I can protest that I have really good reasons for these unfortunate turns of events (I appear to attract really slow waking people ahead of me in the mornings) but I will just be an adult and say “you snooze you lose!”

So many exciting things coming up and a road trip is on the cards this month. I am fortunate enough to know some really fabulous people who do really interesting things so I have decided to impose myself upon them and have a nose into their day to day life’s over the next few weeks and share the resulting articles with you lot! There’s plus sized models, radio producers, a comic box ensemble ( that’s a special one!So excited ) Dj’s and just randomly interesting, odd people. And beards. If I see a good one, I will post a picture. That’s my pledge to you readers. If there is someone you want to tell me about comment below and let me know as I am cheeky enough to try my luck and see who I get to meet, why the devil not?

Work is rather interesting at the minute to and I am excited to see where the next few weeks take me as I have been an exciting new challenge, if it goes well I share it with yous ( here’s hoping!)

I truly hope everyone has recovered from their hangovers and the January blues haven’t set in and don’t worry if you have broken a few resolutions, whenever you do just remember me, sticking to mine and still missing the bus and feel better…you’re not as rubbish as me at them so there’s hope yet!

Lovelove x

Ye Olde New Years Resolutions

Obviously the masses upon masses of you that read this blog will have noted ( hi Mum) that I haven’t posted  for a while but I like, totally have a good excuse this time ( no really!) as I spent most of Christmas and New Year in medical centres,

A & E and the many other wonderful and scarily titled departments that form the Labyrinth of a NHS Hospital.

The good news, as I am trying to see the positives these days, is that I wasn’t there for myself. Of course this means that I was there for a loved one and this I am sure you can empathise,  sucked ass. Therefore good vibes from you all would be welcome and I hope for a better start to the new year for all involved ( as they happen to be one of the bestest people in the world that I have the privilege to have in my life).

Yesterday I had a good think about new years and on reflection over the past 12 months ( which I think for most people I know were testing) I have decided to correlate my thoughts into an action plan and to follow blogging tradition and present my new years resolutions. They aren’t regulations to live by banning me from certain things , just me taking the advice that I seldom follow.

So here goes:

1. Get up an hour before I really need to- I admit it, I bloody love bed but I

 suffer from that strange childlike affliction where I never want to get in it yet never want to get out of it. Even though I am sure I will need to train myself to not just take longer getting ready, learning to utilise the mornings better can only help me be better at my job as I am not always rushing around but also as a functioning person- sticking the washin

g on,

hanging the last bit out, *actually eating breakfast* etc etc,

2. Use My evenings and hobbies-  I love so many things so why aren’t I sharing that love and


e that I have? I

enjoy reading differing niches the blogosphere and love to witter on about random crap ( as if you wer

en’t aware already..)

so why do I not just DO something about it and put that energy to better use rather than just mooch about? Make some connections with like minded people who may just be interested in my ideas as much as I am in theirs.

3. Read more- 

Not just books but printed media needs more of my attention.  My job is internet based and this is an amazing source of information but I love printed media and I need to show more support. This was proved to me recently when I purchased a magazine for a train journey. I don’t usually do magazines that aren’t image based ( I am obsessed with making collages) but it has become traditional to buy a magazine whenever I return home. I was delighted to find a bloggers dreamboat and my rediscovery of company magazine was the catalyst for me delving back into publishing land. Seriously, all internet buffs should read it (boys get your female loved one to do it for you if unsure) . Also biographies, the classics and good literature needs some Bunnypudding QT. Step away from the screen lady..

4.Take 15 minutes a day to do something to improve my life – Be it doing something I don’t want to do ( cleaning anyone?) or learning a few more French words,

 taking a teeny bit of time in my daily routine that I would usually spend staring into space to make myself a more cultured person.

5.Finances are my friend- Seriously how am I ever going to make money if I am scared of understanding it? Avoidance and ignorance never made anyone a buck so time to stop this Victorian fainting every time I even consider credit, accounts, taxes insurance etc

6. Dress well- It shows the world that you are taking yourself seriously plus I get to keep a bit of myself and show it publicly  Taking pride in what I look like without insecure vanity is the way to go. It isn’t about male or female opinions but how I want to present myself to the world that is important. I take myself seriously, so I should present myself to my peers like I do. Also, my good friend told me earlier that she did her cleaning in suspenders and an apron just to make the job have a little more “zaza-zu” confirms that it’s always good to make the effort to dress for all occasions!

(Plus nothing will ever beat this ensemble) : 

Yep, that happened.

7.Look after myself – The usual mix of gym, healthy diet and all that jazz I have recently been taking note of.

8. Be nice, be lovely, be a good person–  Basically I shouldn’t wallow in self pity, keep caring, others won’t as much as I do about things I think are important and that’s fine.

I can’t change the world but doing something nice and being pleasant to be around can’t be a bad thing right?

 we’ve all been there. Nuff said.

10. Don’t be Angry when I break one of these rules–  Just dust myself off and get back on the wagon. You only fail if you decide you have. As Eleanor Roosevelt put it “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” so I should stop moaning and should just do it! TO THE CHOPPER!!

So there you go, “Go go gadget Hello 2013!!”

Guest Blogger: A ditty

I received this little ditty the other day from the lovely Jade at if you haven’t checked her out please do, it will have you in stitches and as we all know I appreciate a “to the point blogger” as, well,
we all know I am “waffle on” blogger ( that sounded so much ruder than it meant to!) Enjoy the below and should it move you, respond with ditties of your own, I love a good poem ( dirty limericks earn an extra ten bunnypoints)

So, here I am on the blogosphere,


Cursing a friend for a bright idea.
For she challenged me to use my wit.
To write a blog called my life in shit.
It seemed alright, after a few.
 To sit and write about a bit of spew.
I’m sure my scribes are simply insane.But my mind is blocked, a disused brain.
See, it’s all about baby and me.
I even forget to eat or pee.
To find the time to think with child,
Is fucking hard and that’s putting it mild.
So here you go my lovely Bunny,

I hope you find me remarkably funny!




(A.N: She did Jade!)  <3  BP Xx

Guest post: Internet Muppetry.

Every now and then I will open my blog to the wealth of blogging talent that is out there in the yonder blogosphere. Today’s post is from the wonderful Jade at

If you haven’t started following yet, do it now post haste!

Internet Muppetry.
I don’t know, or I don’t remember the cut off point that resulted in me being a total idiot of the tech,  I seem to recall starting off extremely well in school, but alas now everything seems beyond my brain and its very limited capabilities.
It was way before the child arrived so I don’t have that as an excuse, however now I’m plus one the fog is defiantly thicker than it used to be.  So, whatever part of the grey matter possessed me to become a blogger I bloody wish the same lightbulb would spur itself on to learn a bit more about the gubbins that goes with.

I have been very fortunate to have been introduced to some interesting folks, home and abroad who would like me to guest post, review and generally make a nuisance of myself on their own sites and blogs. I am thankful for this, but seriously folks… Are you aware of what you have let yourselves in for?

I used to love English but was always graded below my estimate, nobody seemed to agree that Juliet needed a slap and that Atticus Finch was an imaginary hottie!  I hardly ever answer emails, I’m half illiterate, I swear too much,  I rant far more, I’m a grumpy, post natal depressed, neurotic mother of one who is constantly on the brink of falling asleep standing up.  Moreover,  I get far worse after wine!



Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens and all that jazz. We all have something that no matter what grey mood we are in always manages to cheer us up ( even the grumpiest of people. Nothing makes a grumpy person happy quite as much as knowing their grumpiness is effecting everyone in the me I work in marketing- *ahem* I mean my boyfriends is a full time grumpy pants) As  Ms.Golightly would say:

Oh, that too but I meant:

And today I want to share my Tiffany’s with you. Even as I type a titter starts to erupt in me like a catholic school girl in a rather disappointing sex – ed class. Every time I watch this clip I laugh, even when the boy was away on tour for 7 months and I had lost my job and was feeling completely full of woe, clicking this video and watching all of it’s glory always made me smile:

Chris Kamara, I <3 you
